Department Purchase Delegation
Guidelines for the Increased Delegation Up To and Including $10,000, effective July 23, 2018
If you submit a HokieMart purchase requisition up to and including $10,000, HokieMart will create a purchase order that will be sent to the vendor as soon as all the administrative approvals have been completed. VT Procurement will no longer process these orders.
Efficiency. By removing procurement processing by VT Procurement we’re estimating an almost four day reduction in the time it takes for vendors to receive purchase orders.
If assistance is still needed for orders up to and including $10,000, select “Best Vendor” on the requisition and the order will automatically route to VT Procurement. The “Best Vendor” process can be used for a higher dollar requisition as well. This process should always be utilized:
- When Purchases would benefit from additional competition OR
- When complex, low costs purchases still need special attention or assistance
Purchase orders should always be issued to a vendor before the purchase is made.
Automated workflow checks and approvals within HokieMart will still apply such as:
- Departmental Budget and Spend Approvals
- Expenditure Account Coding Accuracy
- Office of Sponsored Programs (when applicable)
- Office of Environmental Health and Safety (when applicable)
- IT Procurement and Licensing Solutions (when applicable)
- Accounts Payable Office (when applicable)
University Pcard purchases remain at $2,000 per transaction.
Employee reimbursement requests remain capped at $2,000 per transaction.
Amazon Punchout catalog orders will remain capped at $2,000 per order.
Selecting the correct expenditure account code per line item on the requisition is very important in processing of orders and university financial reporting.
We encourage departments to always ask for a written quote and available discounts from vendors.
The vendor and vendor’s address in HokieMart should agree to the name and address listed on the quote. Submit a “new supplier” request if it is different.
A waiver from VCE will be required for furniture orders over $10,000 or above.
Department’s printing needs should be provided by VT Print Services.
Continue to use available university term contracts for purchases. For non-catalog orders, use clear and understandable descriptions of the items you are ordering to assist with fixed asset identification and tagging.
It is very important to always consider a small, woman owned and minority owned vendors to provide goods and services for your department. Contact Assistant Director for Supplier Opportunity, Mark Cartwright ( for assistance in finding SWaM vendors for your purchases.